April 3, 2024 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Join us every Wednesday beginning at 5 pm for our Wonderful Wednesdays. Come for dinner and stay for programming or come for dinner, just come! You do not need to be a member of the church or any church, you just need to like food.
5-6pm Dinner Church-free will offering accepted but not required no one will be turned away.
6-7pm Prayer Shawl Ministry and more (this is open to anyone who likes to crochet, knit or any other kind of craft)
6:15-7 Family Worship Service
7-8 Church wide programs for people of all ages; choir, children’s programming grades K-5, youth programming grades 6-12, adult studies, nursery is available for all kids under five.
Current adult study is Living Free: Where is the Image of God in You?
We hope you join us!
*If school is canceled because the weather is bad Wonderful Wednesday is also canceled.

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