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Drops In The Ocean album image

Drops In The Ocean

Hawk Nelson

Album image

No Borders

Official Video

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I hide behind the comfort of my castle

where everything is up to me

these walls are high, but not enough to drown out

the whispers and the wondering of what I haven’t seen

You call me to the great unknown of all You have for me


no borders, no boundaries

could ever be enough

to hold back the wonder

of Your overwhelming flood

in the beauty of Your mystery

freely now I run

with no borders, no boundaries

Lord I’m surrendered to Your love


it’s time that I abandoned the familiar

to chase what I don’t understand

You’re teaching me that when I trust Your promise

I finally find the promised land


So when the night surrounds me

And I can’t hear Your heartbeat

I’ll hold on to what I know

That even in the trial

Lord, You are always faithful

You will lead me back to hope

© 2014 ChickPower Songs (SESAC) / Wordspring Music, LLC (SESAC) / Word Music, LLC, Howie Cowie Music (ASCAP)
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