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God Ain't Finished Yet album image

God Ain't Finished Yet

Emerson Day

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I’m Listening

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Official Video

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When you speak, confusion fades
Just a word and suddenly I’m not afraid
Cause you speak and freedom reigns
There is hope in every single word You say

I don’t wanna miss one word You speak
Cause everything You say is life to me
I don’t wanna miss one word You speak
Quiet my heart, I’m listening

When sorrows roll and troubles rage
You whisper peace when I don’t have the words to say
I won’t lose hope when storms won’t break
You keep your word and your promises will keep me safe

I don’t wanna miss one word You speak
Cause everything You say is life to me
I don’t wanna miss one word You speak
Quiet my heart, I’m listening

Your ways are higher
You know just what I need
I trust you, Jesus
You see what I cannot see

Capitol CMG Genesis / Jesus Culture Music (ASCAP) (Admin. at / Word Music LLC / Howiecowie Publishing (ASCAP) / Wordspring Music LLC / Josh Bronleewe Music (SESAC) (Admin. by W.B.M. Music Corp.)
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